Selection criteria for Area Performance projects
The executive council of the Area Performance ONLUS association meets every year and meets in the full discretion of the body and the will expressed by the members, the projects received or submitted by the members themselves.
The projects to be supported must be in line with the principles and objectives expressed in the statute in which it aims to provide support to the weakest classes and individuals and raise awareness of citizenship in health, energy saving and social equality issues.
We invite any proposing associations to keep in mind that in the projects we select on three-year windows, the rewarding elements we try to identify are those that are based on criteria linked to values that are essential for the ONLUS Area Performance such as:
- Attention to the world of childhood.
- Enhancement of art.
- Support for weak and / or disadvantaged categories.
Clearly, those projects where all these points are addressed and involved will be favored.
We remind you that any request for financing or donation to be approved must reach us accompanied by a specific destination project with an attached presentation.
Go to our projects.