About us

Before becoming a non-profit organization appreciated and recognized by an international audience, the Area Performance was born as a privileged space of interaction between artists within the well-known Lucca Comics & Games, an autumn event that for over half a century has been celebrating the illustration and the visual arts in their plurality.

It was 1998 when a group of artists, in particular Rick Berry, Phil Hale and Gerald Brom, thought to gather in a live collective performance during the festival, giving life to a unique moment of spontaneous painting that immediately drew the attention of the public, and that since then repeats itself every year with increasingly crowded groups of onlookers and enthusiasts.

In 2018  Area Performance celebrated his first 20 years of success!


The online event that unites Art and Charity is back

It is with great pleasure that we announce the return of the Area Performance auction, an online event that embodies the meeting between art and generosity, and which will take place on Catawiki from 15 to 24 March, in conjunction with Collezionando. Auction Link: https://www.catawiki.com/it/a/926651 The auction presents a selection of original illustrations created in 2023 …

The Christmas auction on Catawiki ends with another record

Our “Christmas” auction on Catawiki ended on December 12th. Another record to be added to the others, in fact, over 16,000 euro were raised with the beautiful original works created between 1st and 5th November during the community event and those created during the Weekend Art Party in July, with works sold for up to 5,101 …

The online auction is back on Catawiki!

We are thrilled to announce that an extraordinary event will take place from 1st to 12th December: the Area Performance auction on Catawiki! ? ▶️▶️▶️ Link: https://bit.ly/49YhJjC Unique Works from the Lucca Comics & Games Festival 2023: The beautiful original works you will find were created in November 2023 to celebrate 25 years of Area …


Among the prestigious names that alternate in the Area Performance during the days of the festival there are gallerists and famous portraitists, but also designers who have signed the sets of award-winning Hollywood films. From Rick Berry to Phile Hale, from Ciruelo Cabral to Michael Whelan, passing through the Oscars Alan Lee and John Howe, over 20 years these Masters have enchanted us with their talent and their availability.

Today therefore the Performance Area is an acclaimed showcase of contemporary illustration, however it maintains the unique freshness of live painting, the vitality of the exchange between artists, and above all the intense motivation of authors and audiences for the fine charity of the auction .

Continue reading “Artists”


An endless collection of original works signed by the greatest authors of the fantastic and comics who meet every year at Lucca Comics & Games to alternate with brushes, in a collective live performance.

The works created in these days, in addition to immortalizing the memory of the Lucca festival, are intended for an auction whose proceeds are aimed at financing charity projects.

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The Lucca Comics & Games auction is the icing on the cake of the Area Performance activity. The idea of concluding that increasingly awaited ritual with an auction for charity, through the sale of the works created live, has decreed the success of an initiative that today finds epigones in many other comic and illustration fairs around the world .

The sensitivity of the artists towards the beneficial-humanitarian aspect of the Area Performance has grown hand in hand with their generosity, so much so that today they themselves are waiting with trepidation to take part in live painting, and their donations have made the increasingly rich final auction both in terms of quantity of works and their high quality.

Continue reading “Auctions”