Community of Sant’Egidio: solidarity in the time of the Coronavirus

Among the various projects that the Area Performance supports there is also that of the Community of Sant’Egidio.
Thanks to the funds donated to them in recent years, they have managed to purchase a van, essential for carrying out their activities.

Click here to find out more about the projects supported by the Performance Area.

The Covid-19 emergency has also influenced community activities, in fact in recent weeks one of the dramatic consequences of the pandemic is emerging: the increase in poverty.

It is a vast phenomenon, which in Sant’Egidio is touching a little more every day.

The requests for help have multiplied: more and more requests for food are many families who have suddenly found themselves unable to provide, ask for food and Sant’Egidio offers them weekly hot meals, and distributes food. shopping parcels with fresh and long-term groceries, health protection products without ever missing your personal friendship.

In fact, in the last week alone, over 350 people have reached the costs. A great job, possible only thanks to the solidarity of each.

For this reason, to continue to support many, they have started an extraordinary fundraiser, on the Gofundme platform, with the name of “Covid19 Emergency – Community of SantEgidio Lucca”, to support needy families, the elderly, the poor, homeless and foreigners.

With the money raised will be purchased food, useful aids to avoid contagion and other essential necessities to not really leave anyone alone.

For this, the Performance Area joins their appeal by asking anyone who can buy an expense for a family in difficulty by donating to this link:

Further information on 334 282 9034 – mail:
Facebook page – Community of S.Egidio of Lucca